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Worship and Assembly


Collective worship is an integral part of school life here at Ashington CE School. The children participate in collective worship daily and also pray as a class prior to lunch break.

Worship themes are inspired by the Christian Values; with a different value being explored each half term. Last half term we focussed on the value Respect and Reverence and this half term we are focussing on the value Truth.

The Headteacher leads worship twice a week and all teachers take worship regularly. All children learn songs of worship with our Music and RE leader. Our children can be Worship Leaders; planning and leading all or part of a collective worship.

We also have visitors leading worship to give the children experience of Christian traditions and leaders. This term Reverend James the Rector at our Parish Church will lead worship, as will SPLASH and also visitors: Jo Jackson from Dalesdown Christian Centre, Reverend Peter Butcher, Baptist Minister at Upper Beeding and Michelle Quibell, a parishioner here in Ashington.

Each classroom has a reflective space where children can pray or spend time reflecting; for example on their own spirituality, relationships or big questions.

We also have Prayer Bear and a Prayer box in our central library space where children can write their own prayers.

Please see each class page on the website for photographs of their current reflective space.

To ensure all our children have an understanding of and respect for difference both within the church and other faith communities we also invite friends from other faiths to assemblies to tell us all about their faith. This forms part of the children’s Religious Education.

Our Official School Opening Ceremony

The Bishop of Horsham officially opened the school as a Primary School with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday 19th October. Our Head boy, Hayden and Head girl, Evie's first official job was to give the Bishop of Horsham a guided tour when he visited to officially open the new building. They also had an interview along with Pip Fairweather for an article for the Church magazine

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Our visit from Jo the Christian!

"When we saw Jo she told us a bit about trust. First we had a trust challenge we had to trust somebody to pick the right container (the one with the chocolate bar under it). Next she told us a story about a man who had leprosy, he had to trust a messenger to get his leprosy away, he didn't trust at first but then he did. Finally she gave us a prayer. Jo taught us a lot on trust".

Written by Lewis in Year 4


Year 5 Worship

Reflective Areas in our School

Worship with Lois and Julia from SPLASH

Worship was about Stop, look and listen Jonah 1:17. and Lord caused a very big fish to swallow Jonah. God told Jonah to go.

SPLASH are Christians, SPLASH are Lois and Julia.

Lois and Julia taught Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. And do not walk away from God and Jesus. So love God and Jesus.

Written by Mason in Year 5

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