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Forest Schools


It has been a busy start for all currently doing forest school. Over the last few weeks Panda class have each made a wooden mallet using a bow saw and knife. Working with a partner they have sawn and then sliced the wood. They have then used their mallet to tap pegs into the ground to put up tarps. So far they have cooked toast, popcorn, pancakes and damper bread; all of which have been delicious! Some children have made obstacle courses with see-saws, balancing beams and small spaces to squeeze through which have been tested by Foxes class, while others have begun investigating making natural dye over the fire.

Foxes class began the term looking for signs of Autumn and picked blackberries to make jam sandwiches; yummy. The left over berries were made into natural paint, which went grey once dry. They have learnt how to use a bow saw and drill to make necklaces and found many things on a scavenger hunt. Using fallen leaves they have made leaf creature pictures and large collages on the woodland floor.

It has been a great start to the year and lovely to see parents coming to help, it really makes a big difference.


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