Curriculum Statement and Curriculum Overview 2024 - 2025
Curriculum Intent
At Ashington CE Primary School, our Vision of ‘Love never Fails’ is the golden thread that runs through every aspect of our school Curriculum enabling our children to flourish spiritually, academically and socially.
Sharing their love of God by recognising they are loved by God and in turn can be loving. Sharing their love of others by embracing the differences and diversity of its people. Sharing their love of Learning through continued study and pursuit for excellence. Sharing their love of themselves by developing positive mental attitudes and resilience.
In conjunction, we aim to nurture caring, thoughtful children who understand and live out our core Christian values of Hope, Trust and Forgiveness. Through our shared set of values our children will contribute positively to society.
We want our children to grow into resilient, critical thinkers confident to articulate their ideas and embrace challenge. Our aim is to deliver exciting, enquiry-based learning experiences that foster children’s natural curiosities about the world and inspires them to develop their substantive and disciplinary knowledge to the highest academic standards.
Our knowledge and skills-based curriculum is designed to take account of prior learning, provide first-hand learning experiences and support children to develop interpersonal skills. One of our key approaches to teaching is to encourage pupils to challenge themselves and not be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Teachers’ regular feedback is also crucial as a means of challenging and questioning thinking and deepening learning metacognitively. This is coupled with high expectations for all learners’ behaviour and conduct.
We take pride in working closely with our families to create a strong relationship that supports our pupils both in and out of school. From greeting families in the morning to waving pupils off at the end of the day, our staff are always available to talk to parents and carers. We regularly hold curriculum celebrations, be it science, sporting, art or musical events; our parents are encouraged and welcomed to join in with their children’s learning. We utilise our Instagram account and website to ensure families are kept well-informed of their children’s learning experiences and invite families in regularly to be kept informed of their children s progress.
This is combined with our close links with our Parish Community, where we gather as one, at school and within our Parish church to share in worship together.
Curriculum Implementation
All elements of the curriculum are clearly mapped. At the heart of our curriculum are the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Religious Education. We also truly value our wider curriculum, covering all National Curriculum subjects. We believe children learn best when they can make connections in their learning. Much of our work is ‘cross-curricular’, where meaningful links can be made with other subjects to support children’s metacognition. We believe in collaborative learning and construct learning opportunities enabling children to question, share opinions and ideas, develop oracy skills and deepen their own learning.
We believe the learning environment to be the ‘Third teacher’ and enables our learners to organise new knowledge, support and scaffold learning and provoke curiosity. Our learning environments are rooted in natural learning experiences, with natural and curious objects in the classroom, Forest school and year-round access to an outdoor classroom and an allotment. Children are immersed in nature enabling them to develop their binary skills alongside their substantive and disciplinary skills in a calm and beautiful setting.
Teaching practitioners plan teaching and learning opportunities based on evidence-based research in order to consistently raise standards in all areas of the curriculum and enable children to achieve to the very best of their ability. We teach phonics lessons using ReadWriteInc and use White Rose to sequence our Maths learning.
Curriculum Impact
From their different starting points, all children will make good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. Knowledge, understanding, and skills will be secured and embedded, so that children attain highly and are fully prepared for the next phase in their learning; and ultimately for secondary school and the wider world.
They will communicate (both written and verbal) effectively and with confidence. They will listen respectfully and with tolerance to the views of others, embracing the multi-culturalism and diversity of our world. They will take pride in all that they do and strive to do their best. They will demonstrate emotional resilience and the ability to persevere when they encounter challenge.
Our children will flourish spiritually and have a clear sense of ‘belonging ‘to the school and Parish community. They will be loving, respectful and honest, be inclusive and make a positive contribution to society and the wider world.
Each class is named after an animal from one of the seven continents.
Reception - Bears of North America - click download to view Year R Curriculum Overview
Year 1 - Foxes of Europe - click download to view Year 1 Curriculum Overview
Year 2 - Kangaroos of Oceania - click download to view Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Year 3 - Elephants of Africa - click download to view Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Year 4 - Jaguars of South America - click download to view Year 4 Curriculum Overview
Year 5 - Orcas of Antarctica - click download to view Year 5 Curriculum Overview
Year 6 - Panda's - click download to view Year 6 Curriculum Overview
Click download to view the RE Curriculum Overview
Click download to view the Music Curriculum Overview
Click Addition, Multiplication, Division, Subtraction to view the Progression in Calculation Maths Booklet