Contact Us
Ashington C E School
Foster Lane
West Sussex
RH20 3PG
Tel: 01903 892365
Fax: 01903 892584
Our DSL is Adele Buck - Headteacher
Our DDSL's are Katherine Martlew & Nicola Roberts
Our Safeguarding Governor is Mark Plant
Headteacher: Mrs Adele Buck
Assistant Headteacher's: Miss Katherine Martlew & Nicola Roberts
Chair of Governors: Mr. Dan Powell
School Secretary: Mrs Bridget De La Haye
School Business Manager: Mrs Ailsa McCaig
For any enquiries, including requests for paper copies of letters, please contact Mrs Bridget De La Haye on the above telephone numbers or Email: or click here to contact us.
For any SENDCO / Inclusion Leader enquiries please contact Mrs Amy Hopkins: 01903 892365
Pupil Age Range: 4 to 11 years, co-educational - Reception to Year 6
Most children will transfer to Steyning Grammar School at the beginning of Year 7.